import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // create a Serial port instance
String commPort = "COM11";
int baud = 9600;
char parity = 'N';
int dataBits = 8;
float stopBits = 1.0;
ModbusPort port_one; // create a Modbus port instance
int timeout = 500;
int polling = 100;
int no_of_retries = 10;
int total_no_of_packets = 2;
Packet[] packets = new Packet[total_no_of_packets]; // create an array of packets to transmit
int[] readRegs1 = new int[2]; // to store the requested data
int[] readRegs2 = new int[2]; // to store the requested data
//int[] readRegs3 = new int[2]; // to store the requested data
int previousMillis = 0;
int count = 0;
void setup(){
size(1024, 768);
myPort = new Serial(this, commPort, baud, parity, dataBits, stopBits); // initialize the Serial port instance
port_one = new ModbusPort(myPort, timeout, polling, no_of_retries, packets, total_no_of_packets); // initialize a port for modbus communications
// The packet format for function 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 & 16 is:
// Packet(id, function, address, data, data array)
packets[0] = new Packet(1, 03, 01, 1, readRegs1); //(ID, FNC READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS = 3, ADD (00=Target) (36=Count), data, data array)
packets[1] = new Packet(1, 03, 15, 1, readRegs2); //(ID, FNC READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS = 3, ADD (00=Target) (36=Count), data, data array)
//packets[2] = new Packet(1, 03, 31, 1, readRegs3); //(ID, FNC READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS = 3, ADD (00=Target) (36=Count), data, data array)
void draw(){
// Display the registers received using function 3
fill(255, 0, 0); // RGB Color
text("Counter Machine S2-Innovation", 40, 50);
fill(0, 255, 0); // RGB Color
text("TARGET : "+readRegs1[0], 50, 300);
fill(0, 0, 255); // RGB Color
text("ACTUAL : "+readRegs2[0], 50, 600);
//text("OUT :" +readRegs3[0], 10, 1200);